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Scenic Road Pipeline Replacement


The project would replace existing District sewer mains. The project includes the installation of a total of 10,561 linear feet (LF), or approximately 2.0 miles, of pipelines installed in place of existing pipes. The pipelines would be constructed via pipe bursting and open trench excavation. All excavation would be within roadway right-of-way and District easements within soils that were previously disturbed during installation of the existing pipeline. There are existing sewer laterals located along the project alignment that connect each home to the sewer main. A total of 235 lateral reconnections would be completed on streets where sewer line replacement would occur. The purpose of the project is to replace aging wastewater infrastructure and improve the long-term reliability of the wastewater system. 

Project Benefits

  • Replace 75+ year old failing sewer mains
  • Reduce risk of sewage leaks and spills
  • Improve long-term reliability of the wastewater system
  • New private lateral wye connections

Project Status

Currently, this project has completed the planning stage and we are working on the finalizing the engineering and construction plans. City and County permits for construction will be obtained in second half of 2024. Following an RFP process the contractor will be selected in late 2024 with construction anticipated to begin in early 2025.

Aerial map with highlighted sewer pipe replacement route along streets.



Final IS-MND & MMRP Scenic Road Pipeline.pdfScenic Road Pipeline Replacement - Notice of Availability (NOA) Notice of Intent (NOI).pdf

Board Meetings

January 25th, 2024 Board Meeting - Circulate Draft CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration

July 25th, 2024 Board Meeting - Adopt Final CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration

Community Outreach Meetings

June 3rd, 2024 - Carmel Residents Association

June 27th - Monterey County Association of Realtors

July 24th - Carmel Rotary Club

Local Government Meetings

City of Carmel By The Sea Planning Commission - TBD

Monterey County Planning Commission - TBD

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